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Electric Ballroom Rebrand

The Concept:

As the music industry continues to evolve every day, Electric Ballroom, the prestigious venue in Camden, has yet to follow such trends. I decided to conduct a rebranding proposal to give them a strong visual identity with a new logo, bold photographic content, and a consistent motion graphical poster system.

This was my first self-directed project so I wanted to propose as much as I could in this rebrand, from promotional content to a new social app design and merch. I played off their existing lightning bolt graphic and converted it into the main component of the branding, having it visible in all mediums of the company.

3 months @ Central St Martins

Branding, promotional material, motion graphics

Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects & Artivive

Animated Posters(AR):

As I researched their current branding I found that none of their posters had any consistency, usually looking like they had hired an individual or just taken pre-existing ones. I believed that Electric Ballroom with its legacy deserved its own style of posters advertising their acts, so I designed an animated template for this.

The Logo:

I chose a sleek but retro font to be the main catalyst of the full and shrunken logo as I found it brought the feel of history to the modern day, which was the goal of this rebrand. I kept the colours the same but found I made each component more impactful with a minimal, clean approach to the branding.


At the end of the project, I had to opportunity to display my work to my lecturers and peers, presenting it like a real rebrand proposal. I found this experience great and I received feedback which definitely helped me in my upcoming projects.